This blog is the continuing dialog between two faces of rilla (most of the time!) Rant and rave with us. Leave a comment. Click on the 'nickname' button if you don't have a Google ID already.
NOTE: All my photos and posts are copyrighted and may not be used by anyone, elsewhere without my permission.

My Pic Of The Day

My Pic Of The Day
San Francisco Cable Car

Sunday, May 20, 2007

9 -- Sweating It

NOTE: This blog is a continuing dialog between the two faces of rilla. The identity crisis is explained (if such a thing is possible) in the first edition. Click here to read: 1 -- Introduction

rilla: I have to confess, my writing’s been suffering a little lately.
Rilla: Has it caught a virus?
rilla: Shh!
Rilla: What’s wrong?
rilla: We’re on a computer…don’t use the ‘v’ word. No, my writing’s just a little lonely and unloved right now. I’ve fallen prey to an addiction.
Rilla: Typical! Here we are, depending on your writing for our bread and butter, and you’re off getting high…
rilla: …on blogs. Now that I have my own, I can’t stop reading everyone else’s too.
Rilla: Anything interesting?
rilla: Yeah, I’ve been discoing with the Mermaids.
Rilla: Dancing? With Mermaids?
rilla: Mojitos and multi-million dollar deals…
Rilla: I like the sound of that…
rilla: Scribbling with Katia about ancient artifacts and foreign films and wondering who we are anyway…
Rilla: That’s stupid. I know perfectly well who I am…you…now that’s a different question.
rilla: Autumn, alter-egos, recklessness, deadlines and illustrator step-moms
Rilla: This is getting totally out of control. You stopped making sense four blogs ago.
rilla: …and sweat.
Rilla: Sweat?
rilla: Uh-huh. Just read a piece on sweat by an American writer living in Italy. People from around the world weighed in on the topic. Makes you think.
Rilla: You mean stink…
rilla: That too. But, seriously, it’s something that hits home, touches a chord, after all, it’s something everyone has in common…
Rilla: …and wishes they didn’t. Why on earth would you want to talk about it, or think about it, or blog about it or…
rilla: It just kind of occurred to me that if we spent our time discussing things we all had in common instead of…
Rilla: Common? How about poop?
rilla: Poop’s great. Sweat and poop. Makes us all need water. Good clean water to keep us healthy…
Rilla: Healthy? For that we need healthcare too…
rilla: Yes. Water, healthcare, food, shelter…
Rilla: I get it. Back to the basics.
rilla: Yeah. If we all discussed the things we have in common…
Rilla: Like sweat.
rilla: Sweat. Uh-huh. Instead of focusing on how we’re different…
Rilla: And poop.
rilla: We could save the world with blogs and sweat.
Rilla: And poop.


Natalie said...

Hey Rilla and rilla,

Thanks for chiming in on sweat--always a gripping topic. As for poop...since there's already a picture book on poop, how about you write a spinoff--Everyone Sweats? I'll be first in line at your signing (I'll be the one sans undershirt). :-)

Thanks for stopping by my sweaty blog!

Anonymous said...

Hello Thrilla

Yay finally I can post a comment! Loving your blog you nutbag ;) hehe

Beautiful picture from NT and the pics of the kitty cats in your previous posts are just adorable.

I vowed never to get one but I've set up a MySpace page for KooK BTW. Check it out!

OneL xx

rilla jaggia said...

Hey Natalie,
Great that you visited to read the post inspired by your sweat...umm...that didn't come out so good. Well anyway, I'm looking forward to that booksigning, only it might be an undershirt required affair ;) I have been enjoying your blog muchissimo, especially the Triest jug prize. That was priceless. Happy parking...

rilla jaggia said...

Yay, OneL. I'm so glad you found your way out of the Japanese maze and into my comment corner! That picture of NT brings back so many great memories, and of course any nice things you say about the kitties are guaranteed to win you kudos ;) Will have to look up Kook on MySpace, it is such a blast. Good luck with the zine fest, and keep stopping by.