c3 -- The Gift of Friendship
--Fog-Gi: What is that?
Sha-Do: I don’t know…some kind of colors in a pattern on a sheet of paper.
Fog-Gi: Yeah, but what is it?
Sha-Do: I said I don’t know. She’s been staring at it for a long time. First she smiles, then she goes all teary, then she smiles again, now she’s laughing…weird!
Fog-Gi: Maybe it’s something magical…has some strange power over her to make her nutty.
Sha-Do: You think she needs magic to make her nutty…hey look, there’s writing on the back of the card.
Fog-Gi: What does it say?
Sha-Do: Lost…in…the…Woods…
Fog-Gi: Huh?
Sha-Do: That’s what it says…Lost in the Woods
Fog-Gi: That’s her all right. Just hope she gets out of the woods in time to feed us. I’m getting hungry.
Sha-Do: I’m guessing lunch is late today. That image has a hold of her…the magic must be terribly strong.
Fog-Gi: Rrrrr…
Sha-Do: Stop growling at me…it’s not my fault…
Fog-Gi: I’m not growling, you idiot…that’s my stomach.
Sha-Do: Should we try calling her…meow…? Hm…nothing. Meoow…?
Fog-Gi: I know. I’ll jump up here on the banister. She’s sure to notice that and come get me down like she always does. Can’t believe she thinks I’ll fall over…I mean…I’m a CAT, for crying out loud…here rilly, rilly, rilly, here, I’m on the banister…come get me…I’m dying of hunger…
Sha-Do: Nothing! She didn’t even hear the racket you made jumping up…a wonder, given you’re so clumsy…she still hasn’t noticed you’re there…hmm. That magic’s very strong. There’s more writing there on the back of that thing, maybe it’s a spell…you know…spellbinding…get it…spell…
Fog-Gi: WILL YOU STOP BEING CUTE AND JUST READ IT OUT, ALREADY? I’m dying of hunger here. We need to break that spell somehow…
Sha-Do: Let’s see…The pattern used in Lost in the Woods is a key pattern made up of two interlocking components. Many European, Asian and Native-American artisans have used these designs through the centuries.
Fog-Gi: Through the centuries…I think that means it’s very old.
Sha-Do: Yeah…duh! This particular design was invented by the pre-Celtic Pictish peoples of Britain (200-900AD) …yadda, yadda, yadda…doesn’t sound like a spell…
Fog-Gi: I don’t get it. It doesn’t look old. It looks brand new – the paper’s sparkling white and the colors are brilliant…
Sha-Do: Here’s something else – a number – on the front -- 8/200.
Fog-Gi: My math’s never been any good. No idea what that boils down to.
Sha-Do: Let’s see – 8 divided by 200 is the same as 4 divided by 100 – is the same as 2 divided by 50 – is oh no, ouch…never got far with fractions – but there’s more writing.
Fog-Gi: She’s sighing…
Sha-Do: This is a signed, numbered, limited edition giclee print of the original ink on raw canvas painting…
Fog-Gi: Painting? Hey! She’s getting out of her chair. Lu-u-u-nch!
Sha-Do: NO! She’s going over to the phone.
Fog-Gi: Look, here’s the envelope that thingey came in…it’s got bubble wrap…yay! Pop! Pop! Pop!
Sha-Do: The thingey has a name on the front…it says L. E. Smith.
Fog-Gi: That’s funny…the envelope says Lorna Smith in the corner…Pop!
Sha-Do: Will you stop that…here…let me have it.
Fog-Gi: NO! It’s mine.
Sha-Do: Then I get the magic paper.
Fog-Gi: NO! I want it… you’ve had it all this time.
Sha-Do: Let go of it you idiot…it’s mine…
Fog-Gi: You’re a magic hog. I want some now…
Sha-Do: Mrrrrow!
Fog-Gi: Meeooow!
Sha-Do: Mine! Go get your own magic.
Fog-Gi: Selfish pig…give me some of yours…
Sha-Do: Oh no! Now look what you’ve done!
Fog-Gi: That wasn’t me, that was you…shh…she’s speaking on the phone. Let’s get out of here before she notices you’ve lost Lost in the Woods…
Sha-Do: At least now it looks very old …the way it says on the back…
Fog-Gi: Hmm…can’t read the back anymore…
rilla: Hello? Lorna! The print’s beautiful…you shouldn’t have…I’m all choked up…I don’t know what to say…it’s not even my birthday…or anything…thank you! … Yeah! It arrived just fine. The packing was perfect. No…not a scratch. I’m going to frame it right away…before the cats can get near it…
Thank you Lorna, and all my friends, for being so AMAZING.
In the lottery of friendship…I sure won the jackpot…love ya’ll!
And no, the painting’s fine. It’s way out of reach of the cats…I promise.
Wow...gorgeous colors! I've never seen a print like this--you'll have to take a photo of it when it's hanging on the wall. :-)
Ha ha, you don't believe me...maybe Lorna doesn't either...you're right...I'll have to take a pic once it's on the wall and send it along. No really, Sha-do and Fog-gi aren't that bad...really...Hey! Sha-do, get DOWN, NOW...!
You mean it's not true ??? Agh, story of my life. As a child, my father used to send me in the next room to check whether he was there, and you know what ? I went. I had a nagging suspicion he would NOT be there, but hey, you never know ... I also got into a big fight with him when he told me that Father Christmas did not exist. Now that I'm all grown up I prefer to think that I believed the story because youn Rilla, are a master at telling them. :)
You're absolutely right, Katia, we know from string theory that your father actually could have been in two places at once. And you figured that out when you were just a kid! I knew you were brilliant, but now I find I was way short of the mark! You are a bl**dy genius! ;) Your stories are wonderful too...and I'm not the only one who thinks so ;) Do you have a date for the publication of Ifeyani?
Hi, Rilla!
Thank you for linking to me! And right between JacketFlap and Lisa Yee ... how exciting (OK, so it's alpha order, but still ...).
I'll be linking to you as well. Happy blogging!
P.S. Lovely print!
Thanks back at you Linda. Your blog has a wealth of useful info for writers...and what can I say if you have the luck of the name draw...;0
I think the print is gorgeous too ;)
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