c2 -- Catnip
Sha-Do: What’s she doing?
Fog-Gi: I don’t know, she’s lying there on the bed, mumbling.
Sha-Do: What’s she saying?
Fog-Gi: Let me see…all…ranted…out…All ranted out!
Sha-Do: She’s been doing that for a while.
Fog-Gi: I know. What should we do? Should we wake her up?
Sha-Do: What does it mean? All ranted out?
Fog-Gi: No idea.
Sha-Do: Why’s your tail flapping?
Fog-Gi: My tail? That’s your tail.
Sha-Do: My tail? No, my tail’s up here. That’s your tail…
Fog-Gi: Liar.
Sha-Do: You’re the liar.
Fog-Gi: Go away.
Sha-Do: You go away.
Fog-Gi: I came first.
Sha-Do: First in, first out.
Fog-Gi: What does that mean?
Sha-Do: I don’t know. I heard one of them talking on the phone say it.
Fog-Gi: You can’t say it if you don’t know what it means.
Sha-Do: Can too. Get off of my butt.
Fog-Gi: Can NOT. Stop strangling me.
Sha-Do: Can too. Stop biting my tail.
Fog-Gi: Can NOT. Take your claws out of my eyes.
Sha-Do: Mrrroow
Fog-Gi: Meeeeoooooow.
Rilla: OUCH!
rilla: Don’t yell at them, they’re just playing.
Rilla: Just playing? They’ve gouged a chunk of flesh out of my leg.
rilla: They didn’t see you.
Rilla: Huh! They did it on purpose. Out, out you go. There, I’ve locked them out of the bedroom.
rilla: You know that’s useless.
Rilla: Whatever.Sha-Do: Good. She’s gone back to sleep.
Fog-Gi: OK. Do your trick.
Sha-Do: Got it! Now back to the bed.
Fog-Gi: Shall we wish her Happy Mother’s Day?
Sha-Do: It’s only 3 in the morning…yawwwwwwwn.
Fog-Gi: Technically, that makes it Mother’s…yaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwn.
Sha-Do: Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Fog-Gi: Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Hope you had a peaceful Mother’s Day!
A kitty mom! That's the best kind! They do become like your family, don't they...even better, you don't have to pay for college and they poop in a box.
Nope, no college and the poop in a box is good. Now if they could only learn to answer the phone, weed the yard and wash the car, life would be really good ;)
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